
The Importance of Planning and Prioritizing

"The Importance of Planning and Prioritizing"
"The Importance of Planning and Prioritizing"

I would guess that many of you reading this article are already fairly good time managers. You get a lot done, you are fairly efficient and you know how to make lists and check things off. So if you’re such a hard worker and know how to get a lot accomplished each day, why do you often feel like you’re spinning your wheels? Why is it, when all is said and done, and a week…a month…a year goes by…do you feel frustrated by all that is left undone? Why is it that all the things you should have done are not done and you did the things you shouldn’t have?
We spend our time in certain ways because we choose to. We have the choice to work or not to work, to write that report or not, to take the phone call or to wait. Each choice is based upon a reward received or anticipated. Rewards are what you expect to gain from undertaking or postponing a certain task. If you didn’t receive rewards, you would not continue that behavior. What rewards do you get for managing time the way you do now? Learning to manage your time better will free up some time to do the really important things. Rewards come from good time management habits.

What does a reactive day look like? You arrive at work in the morning with no clear idea about the day’s activities. Things begin to happen—the mail arrives, the phone rings, people drop by. With a flurry of activity, you respond to these various demands. You put forth considerable effort, but at the end of the day, you haven’t accomplished anything significant. This approach is often referred to as FIREFIGHTING. If you don’t determine what you want to achieve, you will experience frequent changes in your plans. You will experience a decision dilemma – ”What do I do next?” If you don’t determine what you want to achieve, others will be perfectly happy to fill the time for you.

Thus, Steven Covey calls planning “sharpening the axe.” You have to take time to make time. Planning is the difference between being reactive and proactive. When you don’t plan, you end up responding to the day’s events as they occur.

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About Phyllis

Name Phyllis Mbugua Studied business studies majoring in administration, management and front office. Worked as a Trade Development Representative with Top Image Ltd for 3 yeas. Currently working with Kuza Biashara as a customer support agent.